Shopping Concierge
find the right style and size
One of the reasons customers come back year after year is that we know what they like. They don’t have to spend hours finding the right style and size. We do that for them. We remember what our customer wears, what they have purchased and what they tell us they want to own.
- We can create the right look no matter what the occasion, either casual or formal.
- We get requests to find colored sport coats that the average store doesn’t carry. We are constantly looking for fresh and unique colors. Call to find out what great colors we have coming in this season.
- We receive phone calls from across the country from friends and relatives of our customers wanting gift ideas. We thoughtfully choose an outfit, then it is expertly gift wrapped and then it is either shipped or hand delivered.
- We offer custom blazer programs for local clubs, which are stocked at our store.
- Gift Certificates
- Complementary Gift Wrap
- Shipping to North America
- Local Delivery Service